Friday, June 4, 2010

teacher's day

everyone agreed that smksm had the best teacher's day ever!!it was not as boring like the previous years before...however what i think is the most best part is that the PA system has been change it faction more BETTER, it cost 20 thousand ringgit just arrived the day before the teacher's day...

before i continue i wanna thank my beloved sister YUKI for helping me...around 5-6 am i went to her house just to help me to make up before i went to was so beautiful and perfect!Of course,i can't forget MABEL for helping me to do my hair...muacksss =D

early in the morning i was kinda emo,i guess it's because i scared that my group dance would end up like a mess...for all the hard work we've done and try to endure the difficulties that we face...and so the good news was the performance end up to be better then yesterday...(=
Carmen,Mable,Yi Heng and Kuok Wei...we made it!!!XDD
the best performance goes to Sydney Pong and his team member...he is good for entertainment..hahaha~

after school,i meet up with my sisters and watch the movie"Happy go Lucky" is a good lesson and funny to watch...i had a great day and feel tired at the same time....wooo~AWESOME!!!!
