Tuesday, August 25, 2009

scary day=="

yesterday went to tuition then suddenly the the teacher ask weather buy things from the Internet is expansive and will get virus..all of us said how come?cannot be rite?she told her part of story...
"in was my first time to buy thing from the Internet..i dont wanna go out because of the h1n1 thing..out of a suddenly the background of my computer become out of control and written there 0.111 or 11.00...all numbers and there is things big word WARNING in red colour...i was scared and dont know what to do..i tried to go back to the page where i brought the things and in shut first time buy things from the Internet and this is what i get=="
all of us in the class were laughing loudly..the next thing we know is time to go back...
when the tuition finish,i went to the popular cuz my dad is waiting there...
he was not yet finish reading...
so,i decide to read was a ghost is famous in Singapore..
i was so serious in reading...then suddenly i received a mssg and said..
"are you at popular?"
warlao weih~i was so scared..the mssg is from 012
but i still reply him asking..
"who are you?mind to ask?o.0?"
it did not reply so i ask my dad to faster go home...
usually,i wound get scared that easy..
but that time i was ready the ghost story leh~
in my mind there is only one person who know im in popular beside from my dad...
but that person..we never contact each other already..he even change
his,it is impossible that is him...
when i reach home,the o12 reply...LOLX!!
it was guan tatt...==!!i told him the whole story...
and he was laughing...really swt==" lah weih~
i asked him..
"how did you saw me?"
he replied..
"after dinner i have nothing to,i went in popular..
and saw a girl sitting..i look like,i sms you"
i replied again..
it was my bad for not saving his number~.~
until i was scared and run back home....
we continue sms until midnight...
before going to tuition my mom ask me to fix my clothes..the clothes than i dont
use she will she it to the anak yatim...because she said that my clothes are so so many...
until not enough space...well.i was thinking if i sale it..i can get money...
why dont i just sale it...think it batter to give to the anak yatim...they are pity..
we should help them when we can or if we can...
all of us mean in my family did the same thing..war~alot of clothes leh~
like can open a shop to sale already....even some of my books that i not using or
no need mom ask me to give it to them too..(anak yatim)
all together..really alot weih~maybe we are giving it away on sunday...
my mom's idea was not bad at all...